The main point that the authors' of "Video and Resistance: Against Documentaries" try to convey in their writing, is that film documentaries are not always truthful. The authors claim that documentaries are not always truthful because of how they take on the ideology of the producer or filmmaker. This tends to lead to the documentaries being biased, or they depict images that are not always as they were in the attempt to capture the viewer and emphasize the filmmaker's beliefs. The author's state this on page 41 by saying, "Film is not now nor has it ever been the technology of truth. It lies at a speed of 24 frames a second. Its value is not as a recorder of history, but simply as a means of communication, a means by which the meaning is generated." This belief tends to contradicts with the beliefs of Susan Sontag. Susan Sontag argues that technology and photographs are the definition of truth because of how they depict exactly what was going on at a given time. Sontag supports her views on technology in "Regarding the Torture of Others", a piece of writing about the pictures of the Abu Ghraib torture scandal. in her writing she shows how technology displays the truth and goes even further to state, "Words alter, words add, words subtract" in response to written accounts of events compared to visual information.
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